Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Pursuit of Happiness...What is Happy?

In the pursuit of happiness, how far would you go? Where would you look? What the heck would you even be looking for? What is the pursuit of happiness?

When I wake up every morning thanking God for this day allotted to me and the strength and energy to get out the bed, and then the akward moment comes. I ask myself are you happy? Then I go into all those extra questions uuuugh…like am I happy? Do I even really know what happy is?

Being happy is all about smiling and not entertaining the negativity surrounding your life…I think.

I mean I like being pretty and smiling and eating and shopping and everything going my way…those things make me happy. But those things don't make me whole. Like those things don't allow me to wake up in the morning and say I could die right now and feel just fine with how my life went…NOPE I can't say that.

So I couldn't really get a perfect answer on what this "thing" called happiness is. I asked around and a few friends gave me some answers.

"Being at peace with my life and the things around my life, makes me happy" -Mia-

"You make me happy…and music. Man happiness is waking up every morning to the person you love. Happiness is doing what you love to do for a living with the person you love. Yeah that's it" -Teejay-

Being proud of myself, my family loving me, and most importantly my relationship with God are things that make me whole. Being whole is being happy.

But why can't we all realize that we are all in need of being whole and we need to stop trying to be so dang happy! Shoot for tomorrow and today not just right now. You have to live as if you won't see tomorrow and you are fine with that.

Being happy is your state of being on the outside like more of a facade. Like I said, being pretty makes me happy; so I will wake up an extra hour or so to make sure my hair is perfect, my teeth are sparkling and my make up is impeccable. Compliments I get from my looks can only last for so long and the "happy high" will fade soon too.

I'm happier on et days that I roll over with ten minutes left before it's time to leave in which brushing my teeth gets at leeeeast two minutes, my face and hair get 30seconds each if they ere luck, and the I settle for some solo doll lip gloss. No face wash-age just some tissue to wipe off the toothpaste…

and with the remainder of time…breakfast.

People can never be happy if they are looking for the shallow things like the things that made me happy. You have to shoot for the things that make you whole.

I, with my genius intelligence, came up with the perfect formula to pursue happiness.

1. Love yourself and continue to love yourself

-I've said this once and I will say it again…if you love you then you don't give a eff who don't!

2. Free Yourself

-Minimize how much you care

-With that being said, don't allow people and events to alter your mood and personality. Only YOU can move YOU!

-It's not somebody else's fault that you are angry…it's you allowing their words to hurt you

3. Remember that words are only words

-We give words emotion and action. Who told us that being called a name is bad? Who even made that word bad?

-Like the word Bitch is NOT the enemy. What makes this WORD so bad? The person who truly defines it is the person who it is directed to, and that person should know that it is JUST A WORD.

4. …

OK I can't really think of a number four right now! But when I do, then I will add one

until then, you all lay off on the caring so much and holding grudges and pretty much thinking. Just LIVE! That's all you need to do. LIVE!

Well Im Roxy

hope this was helpful to at least ozone person.

Happy thoughts and happy days


Monday, May 3, 2010

Approve Me

When I was younger I can't say that I really had it bad growing u, because I didn't. My parents were together until I was 17, we lived in a huge 9bedroom house traveled everywhere, and anything I asked for I got it. I pretty much had it made. But I was so stuck on always getting my way I didn't no how to handle not getting my way and I always felt like it was the end of the world like I always felt that no matter what I did I was never good enough for my parents and that was just too much for me.

Like yeah I made it to the next grade BUT I didn't have straight A's.

Yes I made varsity cheerleading team BUT I wasn't the captain.

Yup I got voted into student council BUT I wasn't the president.

Ok cool I was on homecoming ballot BUT I wasn't the queen.

And whenever I did something it was JUST to get my parents approval and I never felt like I had it.

It frustrated me so much to know that I was trying my hardest at everything I did and in the end it wouldn't matter because nobody would care. But when my sister did anything the right way she was praised…only because she was also so bad.

What do people do in situations like this? Like what the heck are we to think after we have been overlooked?

I tried everything, I started out by acting out until I got the attention I wanted. That only lasted so long.

Eventually I realized the only approval I needed was within myself and with God. And as long as I'm happy with me and doing right by God then I wouldn't give a flying frock frat about what the heck the next person was thinking.

So thanks mom and dad for ignoring me unintentionally and allowing me to branch and grow into my own. I really do love you both for that.

But how does one become happy? Where do we find it? Can we find it?

Well…Until Next Time…